User(s) (You) - a person(s) that accesses and uses CryptoCompany’s Products Products - all products that CryptoCompany makes accessible to users combined, including but not limited to our websites, mobile applications, software, services, etc. CryptoCompany’s legal address is Rebase 1, Tartu 50104, Estonia. In this paragraph, we collected the definitions of the main concepts used in this document.ĬryptoCompany (We, Us, Our) - CryptoCompany OU, the owner, and developer of the Products. These Terms and Conditions come into effect the moment you start interacting with our Products, please, read them carefully before starting to use our Products. By using our Products you express your consent to these Terms and Conditions and accept liability for the violation of these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions are an integral part of the CryptoCompany OU Products.